boy bands

美 [bɔɪ bændz]英 [bɔɪ bændz]
  • n.男孩乐队
  • boy band的复数
boy bandsboy bands
  1. Yet how much do we really know about boy bands ?


  2. There are so many boy bands now .


  3. Oh let me guess . Show tunes ? Boy bands ?


  4. But not all Chinese boy bands have suffered the same fate .


  5. Now I take cocktails and boy bands as a definite sign that things must be getting better .


  6. Blue : Yes , we do want to come to China again and cooperate with Chinese artists , especially boy bands .


  7. A wall was covered with current promotional posters for multiple boy bands . There was just one for SMAP , from 2012 .


  8. All the fans led to many boy bands having platinumalbums and raking in millions of dollars .


  9. In this era of boy bands , jazz reminds us of what a sublime and rewarding experience listening to music can be .


  10. With three hit albums under their belt , One Direction has displayed a career longevity akin to some of history 's greatest boy bands .


  11. You know what to do , are they graduate degrees , government agencies , standardized tests or boy bands ? You 've got three seconds , Go !


  12. Back then , pioneer boy bands and girl groups such as H.O.T. , NRG and Baby V.O.X. had totally changed my understanding of pop music .


  13. And when I checked out an official fan club in the Shibuya district , also operated by the agency , I saw videos only of other Japanese boy bands playing on a screen .


  14. It has produced two iterations of one of its most popular boy bands : the six members of EXO-K sing in Korean , while their counterparts in EXO-M perform the same songs in Mandarin for the huge Chinese market .


  15. After 2000 , the boy bands started to split up for a while and members focused on their own solo careers , such as Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys and Justin Timblerlake of N'Sync .


  16. DANIEL WU , ACTOR AND DIRECTOR : It was embarrassing , really embarrassing , because it 's. .. I mean , you know , we 're satiring ( satirizing ) basically the pop music industry , and at that time there were a lot of boy bands who were very popular .


  17. China doesn 't lack for boy or girl bands .
